This sounds like a metropolitan version of the United Nations. Almost entirely ineffectual, but there is plenty of money to go around.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Richard Cheverton

The new city council's 1st order of business will be to establish a city Bureau of Degentrification, make cultural appropriation a crime, prohibit those evil, rich business and real estate types from being in Portland after sunset and change the city motto to "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism."

Seriously, though, the question is whether the powers that be will continue the exclusionary practices that produced a charter commission with no conservative voices that also grossly underrepresented the white community, or whether there will be true diversity in opinion, race and ethnicity.

What no pundit in town with a job they want to keep will say is twofold. First, the charter revision signals a collapse of trust in white politicians on the part of Portland's woke minorities. Secondly, it represents the triumph of the racial or ethic identity group over the individual as the basic unit in Portland's democracy. How else is it possible to explain the rejection of a system that produced a city council where 60 percent of the members are minorities, or 80 percent if sexual minorities are included? The truest words ever spoken about the charter project came from the minority-group proponent who said, in effect, that they want their representatives to look like them.

If that's where we're headed, the bureau that oversees the construction of new governmental facilities had better get busy designing Portland's own Dis-United City Council Building, modeled on the United Nations Building in New York.

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The one slim hope in the new slip-n-slide voting system for the city council (or whatever they wind up calling it) is that one or two conservative Gonzalez-types will ooze through at the 25+1 level, thus confounding the Commish, which set up the system expressly to guarantee that racial/sexual non-profits will rule. THAT will be amusing. Surprise! White folks vote.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Richard Cheverton

Should one or more members of the white community aspire to a seat on the new council, the radical left rabble who went after Gonzalez with hammer and tongs will attack the candidates like crows harassing a raptor on a slow day, in concert, of course, with the media allies who amplify their slogans in their reporting-cum-editorializing.

What made the most powerful impression on me when I followed the extremist progressives' battle against Wheeler's bid to contain the homeless and against Rene Gonzalez's city council candidacy was the pervasiveness, dominance and vehemence of the radical left's slander of business. In their eyes, business in general and big business and real estate interests only exist to screw the grievously marginalized from their smoke-filled room in the Arlington Club.

Jordan Schnitzer is to Portland's left what George Soros is to the right, an endless source of conspiracy theories with which to undermine one's opponents.

Where does this come from? Did it get its start with the white-dreadlocks fest that was the pointless "Occupy" movement? The likelihood that any of these noisy pests are getting their ideas straight from the source in the Marxist-Leninist canon is vanishingly small. The time-worn buzz words and failed ideas aren't there. Perhaps the best way to conceptualize it is as an anti-establishment movement that has yet to be recognized as such by its members or by an establishment that is largely absentee.

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I have long been amazed (and puzzled) by this town's attitude toward the Schnitzers. Deep deep enough into POCworld and I suspect you'll find antisemitism. Jewish people have a long history of discrimination in this country--one of the not-to-be-spoken aspects of the Oregonian's self-flaggilation recently was an inability to recognize that the infamous state constitution was primarily aimed at Catholics, Jews, and Asians. Blacks, in 1849 were hardly able to move ANYWHERE, let alone the distant west coast. How our progressive friends love to rewrite history.

Ollie--I'd love to publish your ideas at length.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Richard Cheverton

Well, I guess the phrase comes to me from Churchill via Goldwater who put his own spin on it and so I put my spin: Portlanders are making the rubble bounce.

I knew Multnomah County had it within itself for slow and thorough self-destruction . The real mystery here is why do you have to be a citizen to vote! That outrage will be corrected I'm sure.

And then my second favorite quote with regard to Portland comes from Oscar Wilde when he read of Little Nell's passing, but I apply it to the outcome of the recent election: “A MAN would need to have a heart of stone, not to laugh.”

Of course Kotek has yet to be naugurated and I doubt I'll be seeing JoAnne checking at the dollar store. She's an influencer.

Let's all keep our fingers crossed for the Bay Area carpetbagging Sapphist, Democrat Jamie McLeod-Skinner. Come to Oregon where the future is exciting.

One by one the lights are flickering out in Oregon and the nation. Will either survive my lifetime? Ohh, the excitement is just starting!

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If I recall aright Portland has had scrupulous auditors in the past. Certainly at least one but perhaps there was a second. Anyway, those that I recall did their jobs honestly, reported publicly, then were ignored and went away.Perhaps someone can recall more exactly.

I think that even at this stage the freshly ratified effort at restructuring local governance renders auditing nugatory. By the way, I knew the moment that I read the word auditor that you were a racist, sexist transphobe who is an enemy to all Latinx. See how that works?

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