Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

That which is truly satanic is absolutely indefatigable.

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Someone please sue them to prevent this unlawful travesty from happening.

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"I could never belong to a club that would accept someone like me as a member."

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The city of Portland information page on Title VI civil rights complaints (which includes racial discrimination) says it applies to "subrecepients" of the City of Portland. I would wager that CCC could be considered a subrecepient since they are contracted with the City.

From City of Portland:

"Any persons who believe they have been the object of unequal treatment or discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin may file a complaint directly with the responsible City bureau or with the Civil Rights Title VI Analyst for referral. For the most up to date list of appropriate bureau Civil Rights Title VI/Equity liaisons contact 311 at (503) 823-4000.

This process applies to all complaints filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, arising from any program, service of or activity of the City of Portland or its sub recipients."


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Awesome research. Are you going to file a complaint? Your tax dollars at work!

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Check out the bio on who the discrimination complaints go to.

“….Equity and social justice are more than a vocation for her, they are an avocation, a core value, life lens, and the issue that permanently drives her– keeping her dedicated and diligent….”


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You're a bizzy-beaver! If you want to write something for us, we welcome contributors.

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You know what’s funny. They even translated the POC only invitation into Russian.


For all the Russian speaking POC??? 😂.

You can thank JoePortland for the pick up. That’s where I saw this.


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You got a major get! Gonna be interesting to see what the legacy media do with this stunt.At least we now know what the Charter Commission stands for...and it ain't us.

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Excellent article. They are afro-centric in the worst ways, and all about segregation.

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Based on my reading of the Oregon Public Meeting Law, the Charter Commission is subject to it.

The OPML applies only to the “governing bodies” of a public body.” A public body

includes state bodies, any regional council, a county, a city, a district, or any other municipal or

public corporation. A “public body” also includes a board, department, commission, council, bureau, committee, subcommittee, or advisory group of any of the aforementioned entities.

11 A “governing body,” meanwhile, does not just mean city council; it means two

or more members of any public body with “the authority to make decisions for or recommendations to a public body on policy or administration.”

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Richard Cheverton

That Ricardo is the best! Keep being the only journalist telling the truth about our dumpster fire city!

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