Thank you Richard! Your reporting is spot on! Keep it coming.

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I see today amidst some hoopla Biden has made America safe for interacial marriage gay marriage? I wont say why but the this a tremendous setback for me and my cat who is also my legatee (hint:

inter- species).

Interracial marriage; At the frorefront of everyone's anxiety. Actually it is such a stupid political gimmick that he wouldn't have tried it with an adult America, something long vanished.

I mean why didn't he also guarentee the Emancipation Proclamation and the 15th Amendment?

I hate these buffoons. I listen to John McWhorter today as he tried to head off the racist origin momentum of the term "Knocked up" train.

6.4 million illeagals this year. Your country does not exist

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

The Germans have a word for this: ‘Verschlimbesserung’, which means an attempt to improve something, only to make it worse.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

Are they trying to say that you are dead you dumb bastards? If so, I would agree. Just look at footage from the border. Our nation is dead.


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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Between the principals and conversant commenters, THE most astute coverage of the Byzantine new Charter—and much besides—is right here. Bravo, already.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Richard Cheverton

In Portland, the far left's favorite conspiracy theory is that rich and powerful business interests own Tevis Wheeler and call the shots inside City Hall. It matters little to the proponents whether the charges are true. All they need to do to be effective is smear Wheeler (and now Gonzalez) and anyone else who happens to be proposing action that offends the left or is getting in the way of the left's agenda.

However, it's obvious to almost anyone who is immune to the left's disingenuous thought-ending rhetoric that neither the much-maligned Portland Business Alliance nor any other rich and powerful corporate interests are running the city. For proof one need only point to the existence of the charter commission, a powerful, antidemocratic, quasi-legislative body that has been a political travesty since it was conceived.

What business executive worth their stock options would have countenanced the creation of a commission touching the lives of all Portlanders that is deaf to any viewpoints but those of its progressive members and that leaves Portland's white community essentially without meaningful representation? What CEO would allow a runaway committee of management to exceed its mandate and start formulating shareholder initiatives that run contrary to the best interests of the organization and the communities that support it?

In a perfect world, Tevis Wheeler's recent flash of anger over the bad-faith response by

Elliott Young, the Red Professor of Fir Acres, and his ilk to the plight of Salt & Straw and other businesses under assault by the feral homeless will mature into resolve to put a check on the far left before it does yet more damage to the city.

A good juncture for the Mayor to begin a course correction would be the with selection of the body responsible for implementing the charter revisions. He needs to favor expertise, professional reputation and decades of life experience over lived experience; appoint members whose politics and general outlook are conservative and an equal number of progressives; and select people not as token members of racial and ethnic minorities but because of their individual merits.

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Ollie: Perfectly put.

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