Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

"All committee members live, work, worship, or are enrolled in school within the City of Portland, and represent a diversity of race, gender, age, color, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, familial status, mental or physical abilities, sources of income, and geography."

"What’s not on the list?"

"Competence might lead the pack."

In that case, competence is in a dead heat with diversity of political viewpoint.

I can't read references to the gerrymandering of the Rose City into the city into four minority-friendly districts without thinking about the partition of India in 1947. Here's hoping ours turns out better.

As I understand it, the reason we'll be limited to six candidates is because the ballot form that will be used cannot accommodate more. Has anyone broken the news to Candace Avalos, Jo Ann Hardesty and the folx at the progressive candidate training camp?

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Speaking of Candace Avalos, she’s attending the Oregon Labor Candidate School in case she decides to run. She’s already counting on voters’ support:


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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Avalos would make Chloe Eudaly look like Vera Katz.

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How can someone in this cabal tout both “equity” and “equality,” given that under the woke orthodoxy one cannot support both!

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The commissioner in favor of creating "equality for all residents" was obviously winging it and hadn't yet been read into the lingo and concepts of the diversity, equity and inclusion religion/virus. Someone will set him straight, and then he can spread the infection to his workplace.

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Local media is a joke, period. They're afraid of everything, why do you think Portland media all follow you and Pamela, including The Nigel? Because they need to be reminded what fearless journalism actually looks like.

Did I ever tell you the story of that one panel? Years ago, this group came together, to be another watchdog for the police. They sent out a notice on Facebook, if you wanted to join, why simply fill out this LONG application and they'd look at ya. So, Don and I filled out the application, we thought we'd be good candidates, able to see when a cop is bad news and needs to go, but also aware that police are needed and should be supported as well.

I believe the critiquing and choosing was done by none other than Amy Ruiz. (She's an okay gal). Well, we weren't chosen, just as I KNEW we would not be chosen. I did the app thing kind of as a prank on myself. I wanted to prove a point to Don, that they would not choose us just because he used to be a police officer and police detective and I was a writer who wrote about things no one else wanted to. So, I heard through the grapevine, that after only a couple of months, after they had selected their super duper "diverse" group of folks, that the group meetings had degenerated into CHAOS. Screaming. Yelling. Threats. Tears. The police being called to escort trouble makers OUT of City Hall, where the meetings were taking place.

Another couple of months went by and Don and I got an email. Would we still want to be in the group? I had to laugh. I was heavy into another writing project and had to explain that no, I wasn't going to be their sloppy seconds and neither was Don. I didn't phrase it that way, just explained that I was far too busy and could no longer help, but it felt great to do just that.

The group dissolved soon after when no one else wanted anything to do with it. Yep, the first group they put together was super "diverse" but obviously not very stable. It didn't even last six months. LOL... True story... So much for yet another "panel"... LOL...

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