Good research Not that I have any confidence that the Garland Justice department will mount any investigation into their bench.

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I always wonder these days when the journalists focus on the horrible corruption in the Democratic Party ... if you pundits & citizen journalists **also** focus on the 2025 project? Or the 50 year project by the GOP to reverse FDR’s legacy? The false promise of “ trickle-down” economics? Or the eviscerating of the Voting Rights Act?

Because the more you turn people away from the only party supporting Democracy in the US today the more likely we’ll see an incompetent, narcissistic , authoritarian traitor ( although Richard says those charges are all “thin”) back in the White House.

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Sounds like you already know about all those things, but I don't. What is the 2025 project?

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2025 is the Heritage Foundation project to provide a blueprint/conservative wish list assuming the assentation of a Republican to the White House 2025 and probably Senate while holding the house; A long shot indeed. Nothing nefarious, maybe delusional unless you're on the paranoid left

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Wow. Can’t you find any bigger corruption? Sam fooled a ton of people & should spend the rest of his life in prison.

But just know this ---

Ron Wyden is one of the few elected officials ( the only Senate Dem) who has tried to understand the fast-evolving technology specifically Bitcoin ( forget all the “ crapcoins” . We need good (or any!!) legislation to guide the SEC.

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Great reporting from Mr. Eager--and an embarrassment for just about every other political reporter in the state.

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Thanks, Richard, except I'm a little conflicted about being considered a "political reporter." Guess it fits with lawyer and former politician.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Eager, Pamela Fitzsimmons

Bankman-Fried's donees will be not unlike Jeffrey Epstein's johns.

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