I have long lamented the decline of boxing skills in the young American male. Now, however, a new star in the schoolboy fistic firmament has shone forth:


You'll note he's got basic floor fighting skills, too. The FBI reports that's where most scraps wind up, on the deck. So, he's a double threat

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Designed for World Can't Wait. I believe it has broader applications, especially in the Portland area:


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The non-coverage by the once-daily (the "OREGONIAN") is so PC, so flaccid, so inaccurate as to be utterly useless. One could never figure out what even brief photographic evidence revealed.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt!

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Rewriting our racist past. Puts me in mind of the modern rewritten Orwell, Dahl, etc.


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As a rule I would no more link to the New Yorker than I would envelope, stamp, and mail used "hygiene sheets" (just coined to avoid accusations of bathroom humor) from downtown. But, alas, here we are:



How is this related to some guy beating up school girls you might well ask...

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Those links are worth a look.

“I’ve seen some people compare forcing a child to be potty-trained before they are ready to abuse.”

That sounds like those social justice advocates who say we shouldn’t try to force treatment on drug addicts until they are ready.

“Maren also advises parents and other teachers not to enable ‘learned helplessness.’ ” 

The concept of learned helplessness has been fully embraced by progressives at the local, state and national level.

When I returned to Portland last decade, I attended Portland school board meetings and a citizen’s group that had been formed to push for a new school bond. For the first time I heard the phrase “fifth-year senior.” It was now accepted that many students needed five years of high school instead of four.

I wrote this ELEVEN years ago:

“In Portland, Ore., school officials are struggling with a disconnect between how the city sees itself (very livable and very special) and the poor performance of its public schools (almost half of high school students don’t graduate in four years). Fifth-year seniors are becoming a trend.”


It’s encouraging that The New Yorker is finally taking note of how Americans can’t handle the basics (toilet-training!). It also indicates how bad things are.

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Held to Answer is the valuable resource for understanding Portland's recent past. Provided we are a record keeping society a year from now it will be be central to reconstructing the catastrophe.

Bog did some good work in those days, too. His blog was really the best and most clear-eyed detailing of the public record of lame-brainess and the varieties of civic malfeasance in the city, county, and state . Excellent for following the money and the public record of hypocrisy. It is too, too bad his contempt for so many of those with whom he shares the community overpowers his reason.

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This may be a non sequitur, but I used to support School Choice until I had an epiphany yesterday, that School Choice will be used to turn private religious schools into public schools. Because once you get money from the government, you have to follow their rules. Which would include the rules that have been illustrated in this article. It happened to hospitals, look at Providence.

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Excellent take-down of the convoluted mess that local, state and federal bureaucrats and politicians have made of public education. A rational person could get lost in that graphic you included, which was probably the experts’ intent. Keep the parents in the dark.

In the 2024 Oregon legislative session, expect state Sen. Sara Gelser Blouin (D-Corvallis) to go to bat for the boy in the bra. How so?

She wants to make children with “complex behavioral health needs” eligible for Medicaid — regardless of family income.

No Oregon legislator has done more to contribute to the disability racket than Gelser Blouin. She has been a long-time opponent of seclusion rooms and supports FAPE for all “disabled” students. According to her world view, it’s simply a matter of finding the right services. (Kind of like how Ballot Measure 110 supporters think there is some magic treatment that can take away drug addiction. You just have to find the right treatment — cost be damned.)

Gelser announced her proposed legislation before this video went viral. It wouldn’t be surprising if she now weighs in with another proposed piece of legislation targeting cameras in schools, since — according to Supt. Sue Reiki-Smith and most of the media — that’s the real problem.

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Wayyyy past time for common sense. Thank you Richard.

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What is going to happen when a fed up parent such as the young girl's decide an honor "beat the shit" out of the kid is appropriate? Because if this happened to my daughter/granddaughter that unfortunately is the first thing that pops into my idea of a solution.

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I used to teach at Portland Public....whew...zoo. Now with the trans junk and furries, it must be a real zoo. In my era, women had few choices for higher education. You were either a teacher, secretary or nurse.

Sad state of affairs as mental issues are mistaken for gender identity confusion.

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