Cheverton's thesis is both penetrating and succinct and confirmed by evidence from San Diego up the coast to Seattle. In these west coast cities, being a democrat is about virtue signalling to other democrats, who would never consider voting for a Republican -- in fact Reagan is held in low esteem despite having rescued the economy from Carter's stagflation, yet when pressed for details, the answers are vague and muddy.

Cheverton's thesis is penetrating because it shines a light on one of the central problems of human political thinking which is to rely on intellects and intellectuals rather than empirical data -- and the empirical evidence is pretty clear that progressive policies fail taxpayers and the victims of crimes, so yes, "West Coast’s central problem ... is that it’s infected with an ideological purity that is focused more on intentions than on oversight and outcomes". Bravo, less Plato and more Aristotle!

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Nick Kristoff, in that article, mentions the murder in Portland of Rachael Abraham, to make his points and then only eight hours ago, Nancy Rommelmann also wrote an article about her. What is funny is that I've been mentioning her name repeatedly, for over a year now in my podcasts but I'm a nobody in the scene in Portland so who cares. LOL... But now the poor woman is useful so they use her for their pieces on how and why Portland has gone down the shitter. Funny.

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Kristoff could not be more obvious about pretending to be an Oregon resident. Presumably he sees how horribly Tina is doing and sees the total dearth of political talent inside the Democratic Party of Oregon and thinks he can just waltz into a position as Governor from being a columnist and preaching to the converted!

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Jun 17Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Can you blame him? He's no dummy, he's not seeking to make a fortune and he's been paying attention to the state where he was raised for long enough to understand its current squalor. Are there any other candidates besides Oregon bureaucrats whose focus is not blinded by the situation as it is?

I was a child in a large family raised by honest parents in PDX. The last of my siblings left the city in 2023, and I doubt that s/he will return. I will never go back.

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Jun 17Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Agreed , Portland need to shape up !! Dahlgren & his videographer have had some very amazing work !

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They are both so good. And Kevin has a heart of gold. I've talked to him a few times on the phone and he's a great person...

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Good stuff. It’s past time for a moratorium on all non profit support from the City of Portland and Multnomah County. Outsourcing government functions to unaccountable, opaque and frequently ineffective groups is failing taxpayers. These nonprofits have become the most powerful lobbying group in Portland. They advocate incessantly to continue the flow of millions of tax dollars to support their ever expanding number of employees and programs as the livability here continues to plummet.

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Well said. All that money and the "Homeless Industrial Complex" grows and provides lots of employment and MONEY for lots of people, but next to NOTHING in terms of helping the homeless drug addicts. It is SUCH a shameless con on taxpayers.

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