You run out of reasonable language for these people. Selfish, myopic, arrogant, greedy, foolish, and all of the rest just fall so far short, especially in light of the obviously calamitous effects of their actions and the actions of the likeminded.

Then, there is the fact that so many are women, the gender one is willing to grant an almost limitless wisdom in its drive to create and sustain order and the possibilities of life. Seemingly now they do not flinch at denying gender exists.

These people both male and female are monsters. Evil. The centuries spent acquiring knowledge, the rolling back of superstition, the principle's of corpus delicti and habeas corpus, freedom of speech and religion, government transparency . . . all swept away or at hazard.

The kindest thing that I can say is that they are unnatural.

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Thank you for shining some light on what has been and will undoubtedly continue to be viewed by Progressives as a prime opportunity for virtue signaling and further tax and waste efforts.

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Spot on.

Particularly since this is a very tricky topic, but this song and dance is as regular as a Harvest Moon, and each biennium their budget goes up 20% and all the players wring their hands.

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