She is the type of person that destroyed the Gun (Gang) Violence Reduction Team that was ran by Portland Police. Once that was disbanded all sorts of chaos broke out in the black communities. BLM did them no favors either nor did decimalizing drugs. If I had a conspiratorial mind I would say she was out to destroy the black communities. 🙄

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Thank you for this very important information about Bynum. I am not in District 5, but wish I were so that I could vote for Chavez DeRemer instead.

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"Bynum wants to make history, and one persistent challenge that faces black political leaders is crime in the black community. The violent crimes committed by black offenders are out of proportion to their numbers in the overall population. Many of their victims are also black. Yet both the media and black leaders focus their concerns on black offenders — not black victims."

Great article, tough and, truthful. The sad reality is that black victims are left alone, and not helped in their struggles. Race baiter's have a lot to gain with extremism, particularly if they are part of a nonprofit, and it's generally legal tender they have to gain. LOL...

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Great story; Pam is our bravest Portland journalist in dealing with the realities of race. She has the guts to say what so many other people are terrified to say out loud, especially in our dinosaur media, our schools, and in public office.

As Thomas Sowell said, “There are only two ways of telling the complete truth--anonymously and posthumously.” Thankfully, Pam disproves that.

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Sep 22Liked by Richard Cheverton

Thank you for such a great article about Janelle Bynum. I am not in her district so don’t have to determine which is the lesser of the evils in that race.

Your explanation of the way she thinks about race issues is how many people in Portland now think. It’s no secret that a lot of crimes are being committed by black males. They are a minority in Portland but overwhelmingly are committing violent crimes. A few years back the Oregonian stopped publishing photos of people that were arrested. Often times the names of the arrested suspects gives away their identities anyhow. I don’t mean this in any racist manner but it seems to be reality. It’s basically the shootings that are happening on a regular basis.

During BLM heydays it was a disgrace what went on in Portland. I think the National Guard should have been called to restore order. Why destroy a city that had nothing to do with the death of George Floyd.

I’m a registered democrat and have mostly voted for democrats but the new breed we have in Portland have gone to far to the left for me.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

I no longer think of the Portland democrats as being leftists. Their policies are all based on fads and ideologies favored by the authoritarian mass movement known as the woke movement. All of their programs hurt the people that woke activists target for special services. Not surprising since all that woke people do is deny problems, enable whoever is causing them, and neglect the people who suffer the consequences.

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Sep 22Liked by Richard Cheverton

Great piece 😊👍🏼

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Sep 22Liked by Richard Cheverton, Pamela Fitzsimmons

The Oregroanian endorses Bynum with all the other libs. That says it all.

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Sep 22Liked by Richard Cheverton, Pamela Fitzsimmons

Bynum is a stooge for the Democrat party by following and parroting the line.

She never misses the opportunity to tell you her race and gender and uses both as a baton to beat her distractors away but also corral her democrat allies.

Also, one part that constantly gets left out of the "campaigning while black" story is that Happy Valley has a no solicitation ordinance and if a person has it posted and someone trespasses, they are instructed to call the police. It could be that the homeowner didn't want another annoying politician bothering the property.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Richard Cheverton, Pamela Fitzsimmons

Bynum is “peas in a pod” with Candace Avalos and Angelita Morillo and Michelle DePass. She may be in a tough race in a more moderate district but In Portland the “white guilt” is strong and these race baiting city council candidates are front runners. Ironically higher POC neighborhoods in Portland generally support more moderate candidates like Gonzalez and Vasquez. East Portland voters are less interested in performative ideology than the college educated White Saviors who live in the safer neighborhoods.

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Candace Avalos, always screaming about race and the evil of white people, ad nauseum, infinitum.

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