Jul 20Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

I never met Peter Courtney, but had I, I would have been amused by his blarney and appalled by his achievements. Those of us who are getting older hope to leave accomplishments that make our community, state, or the world a slightly better place. We cannot hope to make a huge difference, but at least a positive rather than a negative one.

Peter Courtney led the Oregon Democratic Party for so long that their achievements are his achievements. He went along to get along and thought that spending the people's money on his pet projects would make Oregon better. As a consequence, we have a long list of increasing social problems, from mental illness, to crime, drug addiction, and beyond. And we are experiencing rapid environmental degradation and escalating energy costs, thanks largely to scientific illiteracy. In short, Courtney failed Oregon.

As a scientist, my perspective on Oregon politicians is a bit different from most. I hope they will listen to those of us with detailed knowledge of certain subjects and then make up their own minds. They need not agree with me, but they need to listen. Republicans generally will listen, but Democrats will not.

Courtney was a member of the "will not listen" crowd. He knew the answers without listening. Consequently, the sorry state of Oregon is his legacy.

Gordon J. Fulks, PhD (Physics)

Corbett, Oregon USA

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You're never a better person than on the day after you die. Thanks to Pam for probing beneath the surface of the boo-hoos.

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Jul 20Liked by Richard Cheverton

Courtney was in the Oregon legislature for roughly 42 years--1980-2022. He was the epitome of the political incest that has infected the Oregon Democrat Party and state government for decades. The highly moral Val Hoyle attributes Courtney's social justice creds to his Catholicism. If so, he seemed to forget that the Second Vatican Council described abortion to be an "unspeakable crime." In those 42 years Courtney did nothing--absolutely nothing--in his legislative career to indicate he accepted that basic moral tenet of his religion.

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Jul 20Liked by Richard Cheverton

This captures a truly nuanced picture of Courtney, a political leader who would have zero chance of leadership in the increasingly radical Democratic Party that dominates Oregon politics.

A sober assessment of his years, like this one, is an important way to avoid the hagiography that so often follows the death of key political figures.

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