Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Some victims are more equals than others. Some perps as well. For news media folks on the intersectional Left, every major crime story is initially like a card-game transaction or confrontation, say "Woke Magic: The Gathering". Various DEI attributes, immunities and hit points are calculated, with the ultimate social "justice" group-victimhood quotient determining whether an individual story is accorded saturation treatment, buried, or somewhere in between. Here, reflex protection of the area Muslim community, especially Somalis plus, more recently, put-upon criminal defendants, easily carries the day versus women, even women of color, who are victims of serial domestic violence.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Liked by Richard Cheverton

The reporting on this story was even more opaque than usual. Although perceptive readers could deduce early on that the victim was the suspect's wife, it took an oddly long time for their relationship to be reported within the confines of a single news story.

The Oregonian has demonstrated that it's capable of doing extensive, in-depth reporting. Its coverage of the Red House debacle of a few years ago was superb. For once the reporters didn't pull punches when it came to exposing the anarchist criminals who besieged the neighborhood or the grifty nuttiness (or was it nutty griftiness?) of the BIPOC at the center of the chaos.

Imagine if the same level of persistence, thoroughness and transparency had been devoted to the telling of this story.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Richard Cheverton

It has been reported that the alleged killer was working for one of the nonprofits that was distributing air conditioners thanks to a grant from the Portland Clean Energy Fund.

How did the nonprofit come to hire him given his record of domestic violence?

Wouldn't the terms of a PCEF grant require grantees to follow best business practices, including running criminal background checks on job applicants?

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It is nauseating how cowardly the Portland media is when it comes to covering disgusting animals who murder women, like that animal Adan. Amanda Trujillo and her ilk at the Portland Freedom Fund ALL have BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.

Sad this is, they really don't care and they've made that perfectly clear. They are AMORAL and don't give a damn how agonizing and horrible that poor woman's last moments were. And neither does the man Adan. He looks conscienceless in that photograph, and I'm sure he is perfectly content that he's destroyed the lives of his six children.

They value the freedom of woman-hating violent men, far more than the safety of women and children. They are ALL SCUM and I hope that the worst forms of bad karma follow them everywhere. They MURDERED that poor woman with the help of their friend Adan.

Human SCUM.

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