I underwent surgical “treatment” for GD with OHSU in 2019-2020.

Dr. Marsiglio was part of the team that whipped up a letter of recommendation for me 8 days before surgery.

And Dr. Berli, before a separate prior surgery, admitted to me that he knows many of his “male-to-female” Medicaid patients are making a mistake.

OHSU fought off my lawsuit and terrorized me for two years after that until I had to quit the lawsuit, since my first lawyer was also a bit of a quack and we lacked funding.

I also wonder about the secret documents.

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

There are now organisations to help with legal action, and more than one law firm seems to be specialising in medical malpractice around these 'treatments'. I think in the USA with your market-driven everything, financial liability is the only thing that will bring an end to this.

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My case was dismissed with prejudice. It seems the Oregon legislatures are increasing legal protection for surgeons who do SRS and abortionists, against damaged patients. They will most likely succeed in damaging many more young people before successful lawsuits against them turn the tide, but it should happen eventually.

There is a constant shortage of Testosterone in the U.S.. I've now heard this from friends who know survivors of TC and nurses in other states as well. The pharmaceutical companies selling synthetic hormones and plastic surgeons will have their fill.

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Thanks for comprehensive reply and the guidance.

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Great article Richard. Keep exposing these degenerate butchers, because that is what they are, butchers.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Our own county commissioner is captured by this as well claiming both of her kids are non binary . There is the photo of the commissioner next to her daughter grinning ear to ear showing off the sutures across the chest where the young woman's breasts used to be. How any parent is able to celebrate what is a crisis in their kids life is beyond me. This young woman is also covered in self inflicted cut scars, definitely a sign your kid is not doing well but somehow they think allowing her to amputate her breasts is a step toward better mental health.

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I truly cannot IMAGINE how a person who felt they were born into the wrong body feels. After a former student of mine (I taught college accounting) had a child who insisted they were a boy - not the girl she was "born as" ... from almost age three, I started to read up about it to be better informed. I've read a lot and followed some of their stories. NOTE: the child I referenced above is now 17 and has not had any surgery. Lots of mental health support and some reverable puberty blockers started after years of therapy. Guess what? He was doing well but they live in a state where ALL gender related care (this was at Vanderbilt in Nashville) has been stopped by the super-majority GOP. I also follow one of the physicians you mentioned at OHSU - again, in an effort to learn more about something I knew little about. I trust you've done the same before writing this frankly inflammatory post.

So - I'll oversimplify and say this: biology & genetics experts know now that intersex people are a "thing" (they've always been a thing we just didn't talk about it so much). Estimates provided by reputable medical/psychological institutions say that up to 1.7% of the population are born with "intersex traits", meaning characteristics (external anatomy, reproductive organs, hormonal patterns and/or chromosonal patterns) that do not fit typical binary notions of "male/female" bodies.

Again, I truly cannot imagine being diagnosed with a condition formerly called "Klinefelters Syndrome" (now known as "xxy) where you are born with one testicle and one ovary. These humans are biologically BOTH male and female. To exist in the world their parents have to "pick" a gender or their child faces extensive bullying and even physical assault. So today, since we're more enlightened (or so I thought until these past few years of bathroom wars) some medical and psychological professionals are trying to help them align their internal sense of gender with their external presentation of same.

These folks are SUCH a very small part of the population, so I have to ask Richard and other commenters: WHY DO YOU CARE? Why is this such a big problem? If it's "save the children" I've researched the "genital mutilation of children" angle and it just doesn't happen - if it does at all, it might be the 17 year old with a long history of psychological distress who has a surgical procedure. It's like the "abortions on demand at nine months" or "abortion after birth" (which would be prosecuted as ... uh... MURDER ) It. just .doesn't .happen but it sure sounds scary.

So can anyone tell me why I should care about a consenting adult (let's leave children out of it for now, because the surgical genital chopping and slicing stuff just is not happening ) Why do you care so much about an adult having a surgical procedure to align their internal gender with their extenal gender?

And what terrible effect - exactly - is the "Trans Rights" movement having on our society? Frankly, I'm tired of all this - even tired of seeing all the trans folk advocating - and I'd rather have everyone just mind their own bodies (including women's reproductive organs, thank you very much).

I don't get it. Are they taking your job? Forcing you to have gender reassignment surgery? Forcing you to marry them? Spending too much of your tax dollars? (That I would understand).

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

Good grief, the intersex micro-minority red herring comes up every.single.time.

If you truly don't know that those are not the kids under discussion, you really are not "keeping up," as they say. By and large, we aren't even talking about those little boys who want to be girls (who are most likely going to turn out to be gay.)

We are talking about hoards of (often depressed and quite commonly autistic) young girls that are being manipulated into a dangerous cult-like fad that -- under the tender mercies of corrupt adults ---will leave them permanently scarred and sterile, to state the case bluntly.

These are young persons, well under 18 oftentimes, who have don't even have full executive function with which to comprehend the enormity of such a choice as "transitioning" even if it were some sort of path free of "friendly" coercion, which is clearly not the case in the age of online trans-cheerleading.

We are talking about parents who get threatened by therapists, schools administrators & counselors and medical practitioners. Trust me, it is not the parents who have a sexual obsession. "Why do you care?" is just meaningless school-yard taunt especially as trans-world is anything but a live and let live libertarian fantasy.

Male trans-activists in particular have gained for themselves a lot of rights at the expense of biological women. Just ask any college female athlete who forced to complete against a biological male or give up competing. Ask any abused women seeking a safe refuge in a shelter.

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If you start depending on statistics to do your thinking, you're in deep trouble. For instance, and since this is yet another sexual "day," and we get to watch hack politicians mourn for the many trans people murdered, you might want to walk that stat back...and you will find that the vast majority of trans people were killed for reasons having nothing to do with their gender-choice.

As for your observation that, "These folks are SUCH a very small part of the population..." well, obsessing over micro-minorities is nothing new in Portland..."disproportion," anyone?

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Author

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I care because this has become another social justice/civil rights cause for folks who are NOT intersex but see some gain or attention in announcing they are a trans man or a trans woman.

Once the switch has been made, why is calling yourself “trans” even necessary? Perhaps the problem isn’t us — it’s them for making their gender a public issue. Why do they want it to be an issue? So others will be required to pay them due respect and accept them — or risk being called a homophobe or transphobe?

As you note, only about 1.7 percent of the population are born with “intersex traits.” Why, then, is it becoming commonplace at public hearings, etc. to state your pronoun? Why, in some work places is “misgendering” someone a serious, even fireable, offense?

The problem isn’t that 1.7 percent of the population is intersex. The problem is that there appears to be a movement to try and expand that 1.7 percent. To what purpose? We can turn anything into a trend in this country, especially if there is money or political hay to be made.

In 2019, the Oregon legislature passed Senate Bill 52 – called Adi’s Act —in memory of a Grant High School boy who wanted to be a girl.

As a 16-year-old boy, Staub was attending Grant High School in Portland and watched a health class video that profiled a transgender teen. He decided this was why he always felt conflicted. He came out to his mom as a girl, and she embraced him as a daughter. He started hormone treatments.

As a girl, Staub was featured in a profile in Grant Magazine. The story noted that transgender advocates like Caitlyn Jenner were bringing attention to the issue. It also quoted Grant’s vice principal, who identified as gender non-conforming but preferred female pronouns.

The story described Staub’s personal progress but said there were new hurdles: Many of her close friends from when she was a boy no longer wanted to associate with her as a girl. Staub, formerly a straight-A student, was now skipping classes and said she didn’t care if she got all F’s.

“I used to care like a lot, but transitioning has been infinitely more important to me,” she said in the story.

At age 18 Staub committed suicide. SB 52 required school districts to adopt a policy on student suicide prevention, with an emphasis on assisting students at high risk of suicide. The news coverage of Adi’s Act was deeply sympathetic.

What nobody asked was: Out of all the important subjects students need to learn, why did a class feature a video on a transgender teen? Did it help a confused youth? Or bring on even more confusion? What about his classmates who were his friends when he was a boy but not as a girl? Should they have been forced to accept him?

What if 16-year-old Staub hadn’t seen that video on the transgender kid? Could he have explored the issue later as an adult and with different results?

Note this line from the Grant Magazine story: “Like many children across the country, Staub was born with an anatomy that didn’t match her gender identity.”


Note how the story ends: urging that we keep “dialoguing” about diversity and equity.

You can find the story here: https://grantmagazine.com/trans/

It was published in 2016. Look how pervasive the "Trans Rights" movement has come.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

No complications? I suspect they aren't forthcoming. Some report urinary incontinence of some type is quite common, especially for M→F surgery. I wonder how many report the foul odor and discharge from the neovagina that necessitates a new hygienic routine. They don't remove the prostate in M→F surgery, so they still have to have PSA checks, but since the neovagina gets in the way, prostate exams probably aren't useful. There is some concern that prostate cancer is more aggressive when diagnosed in trans M→F individuals, possibly because of all the hormonal manipulation which can trigger androgen-independent growth (https://pubmed.gov/35528466). The medical profession doesn't fully know what they are doing in the long-term to these individuals in the name of "gender affirmation".

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the medical profession seems more and more driven to act now for financial gain, ask questions (or do controlled studies) later...if ever. that is why lawsuits seem to be the only sure way out of this quagmire [see UK gender clinics]

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You and SFHaine should be in correspondence.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Nay, viewpoints are rarely changed just by commentary on a blog. It's silly to bring up Klinefelter's Syndrome, though. We're seeing these "chop shops" because of an explosion in gender dysphoria which began around 2008. As many as 5% of 18 to 29 year olds now identify as such. What's causing this? Is it depression, psychological trauma, drugs, incessant promotion on social and mainstream media, or the plenitude of teachers who are obsessed with discussing their sexuality during class time?

The reason why it is important to raise awareness is because of laws that permit a confused teen to make major decisions regarding "gender affirming" care without parental input. I'm convinced that this is a major factor as to why families are fleeing or avoiding Oregon, and why organizations can't find enough competent people to fill open positions. So it may be everybody's concern. Some medicos now crave amnesty for promoting heavy-handed COVID vaccine regulations. "We had the best of intentions," they cry. Cold comfort to those whose bodies are permanently altered. Or to families devastated by it all.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

I wrote this in response to watching the Grayzone and Chris Hedges as well as other progressive left reporting:

It's too bad that these progressive left investigative journalists are too chicken shit to support women and children by reporting on what Trans Rights demands are having on 2/3rds of the world's population. Women and Children. None of them will touch this subject with a 20ft. pole.

When discussing "Identity" politics they NEVER mention Transvestitism>Transsexualism>Transgenderism at all. They only talk about Black civil rights and maybe mention women's rights and it is always dated going back to the mid 20th century 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and its evolution and takeover of left politics today. How today's left ignores class.

I listen to Chris Hedges. I've followed him for decades now. I listen to the Grayzone and have listened to them since their inception as well as several other progressive left journalists. Every time they mention the political left abandoning class politics and being too focused on "Identity" politics it's always BLM or some other non-related issue to the Fucking Mammoth Elephant in the room.

Trans and Trans Rights are in Mainstream news EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. Always in the Affirmative, psyops propaganda campaigning on their behalf of course, with the exception of some occasional reporting from right wing news venues. Who, for the most part, are reporting on the true actions this movement is taking.

These so-called left leaning investigative reporters ignore the issue of women and children being abused by this so-called TRA (Trans Rights Activism) cult "movement".

They are neither reporting on behalf of Trans nor reporting or discussing the effects Trans Rights is having on society. You could say they are "Gender Identity" Neutral. In other words, they don't care.

These same progressive leftist journalists will go on and on about how "silence is compliance" in EVERY OTHER DANGEROUS POLITICAL TYRANNICAL MOVEMENT since the dawn of time. While they lay silent on rapists, murdering men who claim to be women are being housed in women's prisons to serve their time. They won't report that all women's refuges/shelters to escape a rapist or an abusive partner are now allowing men into those once females only shelters. They're not reporting how in some courts women who have been raped and are brave enough to face their assailant in a court of law are being told that they must refer to their male rapist as she/her when the man "identifies" as a woman because it is disrespectful to call them by their factual male pronouns. It might cause the rapist to feel hurt. No consideration for the woman who experienced the disrespectful act of being raped by a man who claims to be a woman. Her feelings are completely disregarded as men have done to women for thousands of years. Oh no, they're not reporting on this, because we all KNOW women and girls don't matter.

Oh, and they are also NOT reporting on the global femicide taking place right now and has been going on for decades. With estimates of over 100 million women and girls missing from the global population.

Nope, when it comes to the serious dangerous shit men put women through, they won't touch it.

Like I always say, even good men don't give a shit about women. There's no such thing as a "good man".

These men are not going to lose what little standing they have in news reporting having been ostracized by legacy media for telling the hard truth about US hegemony across the world. On this they are excellent reporters. But they are not going to risk what they have just because the entirety of womanhood and women's spaces are being colonized by feti-shits perverted men. Nope not gonna do thaaaat.

They are not going to lose what little standing they have because these fucked up Trans Rights Activists are writing children's books and getting them approved for public school libraries across the country for elementary and middle school children. Books that appeal to children by depicting children's books like illustrations of pornographic images and pornographic material about sex acts including how to give blow jobs and anal sex as well as BDSM and KINK.

All this under the guise that these books are teaching children about transgender inclusion which in and of itself sexualizes children. It has this effect by making children think about their sexed bodies and how they might be in the wrong sexed body indoctrinating them into accepting trans body mutilation. Teaching them that they may be trans too and medicalizing them for life. It is recruitment indoctrination.

Oh No! they are not going to touch this issue.

Like I said, fucking chicken shits the lot of them.

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Two responses to your comment: first, Critical Legal Theory is exactly where a lot of this garbage got started institutionally speaking. How women get mistreated or abused in the justice system as a result is just one outworking of the whole vile "critical" framework.

Second, I would love some actual names attached to your description (with which I agree) that

"Activists are writing children's books and getting them approved for public school libraries across the country for elementary and middle school children...that appeal to children by depicting ...illustrations of pornographic images and pornographic material about sex acts ...

under the guise that these books are teaching children about transgender inclusion

which ... sexualizes children... making [them] think about their sexed bodies and how they might be in the wrong sexed body indoctrinating them into accepting trans body mutilation. Teaching them that they may be trans too and medicalizing them for life. It is recruitment indoctrination."

Somewhere recently I came across a statement that often these books are "given as a donation" to schools and libraries.

At the same time, there's been a furore over the perverse content being smuggled into Scholastic Books & it's (monopoly) school fairs. Your comment makes me think that all the garish, cartoonish type books aren't just because kids "are reluctant readers" but because cartoons can show things in a drawing that describing in words couldn't communicate to young children. I feel like a light bulb has just gone off in my head. In Texas where I live there has been real pushback to such activism as the State is demanding that children's books be rated for thematic content (not just reading level).

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I do not have a list of these pornographic LGBTQ +++ children's books. I know of them from social media that I am connected to and the reports from major News Agencies who are beginning to report on this issue. My children are grown so this is not an immediate issue for me. I just did a search for "LGBTQ Children's Books with Pornographic Material", and I got a page with LGBTQ children's books and news reports on this issue. YouTube videos are helpful showing parents reading excerpts from these books from their children's public-school library.

Unfortunately, when shit like this happens it is up to the citizens to investigate for ourselves to find the sources we need. One suggestion I have is you could look this up online, do a little research and try and find a few titles or listen for titles from news reports. Maybe contact some parents who have been interviewed on the news about this issue. Then once you have a few titles you could go to your local library and see if they have any of them, if not you could order them through inter-library loan through the library once the books arrive at your library, they will call you and let you know.

If you really want your mind blown, I suggest these sources because you've seen Nothing yet, I guarantee it:

Genevieve Gluck: REDUXX.info a daily news report on Transvestitism>Transsexualism>Transgenderism and its affects on women children and society. I highly suggest you look up her reports on WPATH (World Professional Association on Transgender Health) Genevieve's work on the Eunuch Archives and its connection to WPATH as well as the history of Transgenderism and the man who created the transgender flag. She has a substack under her name, and you can follow her on X-twitter. Facebook. You can also find several interviews with her on YouTube.

Jennifer Bilek: at the 11th Hour Blog. Jennifer has been following the money and reporting on her findings since 2013. She reports on the connection to transgenderism technology and capitalism. She is an excellent source of who has been funding this and where this is leading. If you use these women's information, PLEASE, give them credit for their work, they have already been plagiarized by a few people. These two women ARE the original sources.

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Yesterday I took a look at Gluck's work and listened to the interview she gave to TV & SubStack writer G L re WPATH/Eunuch Archives.

I agree with Gluck's view that it is "beyond the imagination" even of 21st C types -- surrounded as we have become by people like Jeffery Epstein & Co -- to think that extreme fetish behavior is being normalized as just a variant "identity." Also that list of incarcerated violent sex offenders conveniently turned trans rather speaks for itself.

My personal take is that in North America there remains a vague, misty outlook that "people are basically good and only some people are bad" -- as though 2 World Wars and Stalinism (for example) never happened. For my part, as the famous Russian gulag survivor said: good and evil run through the heart of each individual. In reality every moment of every day is a choice between doing good or evil, but tending to that requires a lot of intentionality and it is much easier to go through life dull and distracted.

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I have been aware of Jennifer’s work pretty much from the beginning— I always felt she was rather under appreciated. She did end up in an Epoch Times film that was part documentary, part dramatization.

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What is also disturbing is that gender related surgeries involving minors at OHSU have increased approximately 900% in the last decade.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Richard Cheverton, Pamela Fitzsimmons

Ruined for life...never fitting in...never having working parts...scars where there was once beauty...kinda of like what Portland is today! Scarred and unworkable!

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Richard Cheverton, Pamela Fitzsimmons

Thank you for this report! When an OHSU representative testified before the Oregon House's Behavioral Health Committee on HB2002, it was amazing how she was never able to come up with the numbers requested by Republican members of the committee on various aspects of the bill. And the bill was marked as not expected to have any fiscal impact despite it requiring that the Oregon Health Plan cover any and all "gender affirming" medical and surgical procedures desired by those who claimed to be "gender dysphoric", when of course the OHP has already been providing some of those services and could provide info on how much is spent per capita on complications of the various surgeries.

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I could have mentioned an offhand remark from the person I was dealing with at OHSU. She mentioned that stats were tough to gather because the trans stuff happens in so many different parts of OHSU. So we compromised on reporting focused on the Gender Clinic--which suggests that the final number (including kids) were, shall we say...conservative.

As Pam notes above, the most stomach-churning thing about this story is what one gay/trans activist said in a rally: We're coming for your kids.

"Trans" has become an obsession among educators and the "tampons in the boys' bathroom" crowd--which seems more like a cult.

It should be debated. Good luck with that in Portland.

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When activists are "coming for your kids" presumably it is aimed (as all cults are) at alienating them from their families of origin. If "helpful" strangers are primarily interested in your sexuality that seems to me to be one step in the direction of human trafficking. As for the medical types involved, I think it is "revenue center" and these people either don't give a rat's behind in the base case or are deluding themselves that they are part of a civil rights movement, or some such rationalization to keep the cash flowing. Medical professionals with an actual conscience become whistleblowers.

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