Portland is a garbage dump of piety. That is, people don't mind trashing their own city if the cause is "just". Translation: what happens in Minneapolis or Akron necessarily means Portland is impure. This, in turn means rational adults must pay the price if they mock this one true religion with secularism. It's like a meth addiction except there's even less reason here than among psychotic tweakers.

There's also an aspect here of hyper-feminization where the "compassionate" combat various heresies. The worst one is probably nuance. That is, what passes for reality is as bad as you want to believe it is. The only recourse can be chaos, which shall prevail in Portland until everybody and everything is absolutely just. You get a better overview by staying on your toes.

Religious hysteria here has its high priestesses and studly eunuchs. They are better than the rest of us because they won't accept good intentions and partial successes. They know exactly who to blame, like business owners, cops, and white supremacists, or, anyone in the reality-based community. And because they have all the answers, the rest of us better respond correctly when these cultural revolutionaries demand we correctly cite the chapter and verse from their little handbooks. Give the wrong answer and you may well be a racist.

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Fun facts about Ana del Rocio (aka Rosa Valderrama): She previously worked for.then-state Rep. Jessica Vega Pederson, who is now on the Multnomah County Commission.

Del Rocio is also the sister of state Rep. Andrea Valderrama. Both have served on the David Douglas School District Board, and both had a consensual relationship with then-state Rep. Diego Hernandez. The two sisters later joined a couple of other women to accuse him of harassment and other improprieties.

But three years before that, Del Rocio was arrested by Transit Police on TriMet and accused of providing false information when asked to prove she had purchased fare. When she was arrested for fare evasion, del Rocio immediately called Hernandez. She told the media she felt racially profiled by Transit Police and asked Hernandez for legislation related to her case.

In explaining why he was introducing the legislation to take away fare enforcement from police, he said it was on behalf of “a constituent.” (House Bill 3337 never made it out of committee.)

Amid the harassment complaints, Hernandez resigned, and ex-girlfriend Andrea Valderrama was appointed to his legislative seat.

It’s all kind of incestuous.

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Non-citizen voting is also a way to ensure that people doing hard time can vote. In Oregon, which of course is very generous with the franchise, the only way regular people can be disqualified from voting is if they are locked up in a state prison while doing felony hard time. We wouldn't want to "disenfranchise literal rapists and murderers (who CAN vote once they are no longer in state prison).

The other legal glitch is that under state law, which over-rides county ordinance, the duty to inspect correctional facilities lies with the Grand Jury of the county. Of course with Mike "Let 'em all out" Schmidt as putative DA, who knows whether anyone is following the law in Portland?

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