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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

Here’s a GREAT letter to the editor about our feckless Sheriff. I hope Mark Williams will run for public office.

Letters to the editor | The Oregonian:

Multnomah County Sheriff Nicole Morrisey O’Donnell’s unilateral decision not to book those arrested under Portland’s anti-camping law is nothing less than outrageous , (“Multnomah County sheriff defends decision not to jail 1st person arrested for violating Portland’s camping rules,” July 30).

County sheriffs are elected and sworn to uphold and enforce the law. They should not have discretion to pick and choose which laws they will enforce. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the right of communities to ban urban camping. If O’Donnell feels that she cannot enforce our anti-camping laws within the bounds of her conscience, then she should do the right thing and resign.

Once again, it seems as if Multnomah County’s officials live in a dream world of their own, where urban camping and rampant drug use are not really a problem requiring action and urgency. Maybe they all should just have another meeting. That’s what they do best.

Mark B. Williams, Portland


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