Anyone have a take on Eric Zimmerman?


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What's wrong with Gonzalez attempting to get some centrist/pragmatic people on the City Council? Seems like a smart move on his part to me. People like Gonzalez, Eli Arnold and Vadim Morzysky are some of the few bright spots in Portland politics.

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We must assume Rene has seen all the anti-Gonzalez flyers plastered on poles around the city. They look a bit like “Wanted” posters and almost as ominous. No wonder he wants added security.

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Says Lyles McFarland, an organizer with Greater Portland Trans Unity: “We’re awesome. We love ourselves.”

That could be Portland’s motto -- while progressives destroy a city where people of all political persuasions were once welcomed.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 24

Yep, Portland has become one of the most intolerant cities in the USA. Its political culture is now devoid of any true liberal thought.

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Excellent. I will read this a second time tonight when we get home. :)

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Jul 23Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Thank you. Keep it up Richard!

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All of these who-haws must think they’ll make it through rank choice voting. I am constantly thankful for not having to interact in any way with Portland.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Portland is nuts. Jusy look at the bike portland blog and Jonathan Maus and his echo chamber are all complaining about the crazies driving cars on the bike paths and in the parks and the record setting traffic deaths (mostly homeless). But then these same people elect those (Hardesty, Rubio, Eudaly, Kafoury, Vega-Pedesron) who enable this type of criminality and violence.


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