
When I was first imagining this 'stack, I had in mind a slogan:

First patch the potholes. Then save the world.

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Your drifting off to sleep experience has provided me with one of the most insightful analyses that I have heard explaining my similar dis-ease with what's has been going on in Portlandia these past few years. Great writing!

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Will there be an equal distribution of potholes in the new districts? Potholes are something tangible that can be counted. They can also cause real problems for car owners — ALL car owners, including those from the protected BIPOC classes.

We need to learn from California’s mistakes. Potholes are so bad in some communities, they cause traffic accidents.

Personally, I have found myself driving out of my way (climate change!) to avoid certain Portland streets because of the potholes and washboarding.

These commissioners need to get out and start counting potholes.

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This is an excellent deconstruction of RCV:


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Didn't the Charter commission adopt single transferable vote? ...while Multnomah County is going with RCV

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Single transferrable vote will be used in electing city council. RCV for mayor and auditor. Multnomah will go with RCV across the board. As far as I can determine. Get your nominating papers ready.

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Your average Portland mope doesn't read this stuff.

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