Thanks for a very enlightening article about my district. Dr. Bali is getting my vote because he was the only one with the correct answer on the situation in Palestine. What the hell does that have to do with the citify of Portland.

I’m actually glad that they asked the questions that they did. The answers told me that almost all of them will be no better than the status quo and maybe worse. Novak is out on being a Rubio supporter, whether she’s toast or not. I’m going to save this article to cross out people when I get my voters guide.

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Portland Dissent does an amazing job of reporting on the depressing and infuriating behavior of Portland politicians and the people who promote, endorse and vote for them.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Portland has become a very intolerant city. There is little diversity of opinion and the intolerants here try to squelch it whenever they hear it.

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I was raised in Portland, in a large family of non-political Catholic squares. Two of my siblings and I were victims of felonies -- stranger-on-stranger rape for me, an even more physically abusive attack for a brother and a total looting of the apartment of another sib. The PPD knew the NAME of the bastard who broke into my window but did nothing. They also took no interest in finding the violent creep who caused my brother's more extensive permanent injuries. The sister whose apartment was cleaned out years ago got no attention at all. The last of us left years ago, as did our parents. We all have better lives now. None of us ever will return.

Enjoy the squalor, Portlandians.

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Politics as opera buffo!

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Great quote from Novick about Rubio being toast!! I laughed out loud!! 🤣

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Novick would support a stripper single mom. What a dufus. LOL…

Great article Pamela! You’re always out and about, and actively doing serious journalism. I admire you so much!!

Rene Gonzalez for Mayor!!! 😊

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Dr Bali gets my vote!

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Portland is the most politically violent town in America, and it’s jarring against the contrast where people believe themselves to be so compassionate. Violent virtue signaling Marxist that continue to destroy our city.

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