Great recap of the situation. Just sorry that Montavilla wouldn't stand up and fight when Lents started fighting. They were calling us NIMBY's back then. I guess it's karma that they are now getting a taste of what Lents has been dealing with for over 10 years.

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Field's $220K salary boggles the mind. The whole scenario is so typical of the "let them speak but ignore everything they say" attitude of city government everywhere. The country is being run by overpaid bureaucrats who are accountable to no one.

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Absolutely true about the judges. That said, a federal judge who isn’t Michael Simon may be at least a little open.

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Thanks, Richard, for reaching out to the neighbors of this auto-camp and giving them a voice.

Too many of Portland’s media just go along. It’s no wonder Portlanders are so passive. Why should Antifa have all the passion?

Almost two years ago, I wrote about the Multnomah Village Safe Rest Village (SRV), a collection of tiny homes plopped next to a residential neighborhood. The neighbors were pressured to bite their tongues. Those who didn’t live next door to the SRV were happy to foist their progressive politics on those who did. (See https://portlanddissent.substack.com/p/eat-sleep-play-scratch)

Now the Multnomah Village SRV is expanding. So is the pressure to say only nice things. A few days ago, the Multnomah Neighborhood Association newsletter for April included an update on the SRV. There is a new acronym!

CAC, which stands for Community Advisory Committee is “a standing, collaborative, problem-solving committee helping to carry out the Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA) for the Multnomah Safe Rest Village. … The CAC meets each month on the 2nd Thursday at 1 PM. These are closed meetings, to allow frank discussion of potential confidential issues. The city reps assured us that this is not in violation of open meetings law.”

Among the members of CAC are Moses Ross, who is running for City Council in District 4. He has been an apologist for the SRV and also chairs the Multnomah Neighborhood Association, where he likes to rally for “improving the livability of our neighborhood.” He does this by organizing residents to pick up trash and clean graffiti. Presumably that includes residents of the SRV.

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Apr 8Liked by Pamela Fitzsimmons

Another excellent biting and damning commentary!

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We really need Brian Knotts on the County Commission! Yet he’s the wrong skin color so won’t have a chance.


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Apr 8Liked by Richard Cheverton, Pamela Fitzsimmons

I heard Brim- Edwards speak this afternoon. I think she gets the angst of homeowners in east county. She and Sharon Meieran have been the only serious questioners of Her Highness JVP (aka Queen Kafoury the Second) this past year and frankly, without 3 votes on the County Commission to block, the County Chair dictates the agenda. Hopefully, with the election of some thoughtful candidates next month (and there are some), there will be at least 3 votes for sanity instead of just 2. Please get your friends and neighbors to vote!

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8Liked by Richard Cheverton

Maybe the "Reverend's* instead of polishing their virtue signaling creds might want to revisit Pauls 2nd letter to the Thessalonians 3: 10 - 12 and while they're at it contemplate the whole " love you neighbor" thing or the implications of " go forth and sin no more". But kudos for further damaging what little credibility or respect these churches have.

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Apr 8Liked by Richard Cheverton, Pamela Fitzsimmons

Moss and Bayless need to sue, making the claim that the city/county camping policies constitutes an unlawful taking. It’s a reach, but the fights need to happen. Of course they couldn’t get a lawyer in this town, but maybe there is one in Oregon City or some such place.

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This just breaks my heart! Too bad you can't get rid of mail in voting! The real estate taxes alone will be driving people to leave! Brimm Edwards was there when I taught in PPS. Seems things have just gotten worse.

With people who only serve themselves, things will not ever be okay!

I am so sorry!

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