Our local media does little but bullhorn the party line for whatever Progressive, Democrat line of BS they need our low information voter Blue Bubble sheep to feed on. You and Ms. Fitzsimmons have done a terrific job of illustrating that sad reality.

Another sad story that our complicit media pretended to cover, but really glossed over was the rape (and cover up) of a 4th grade student at Scott School in an after school program run by the SUN Program. In light of what I'm going to outline, I suppose it is worth noting that this elementary school used to be named Harvey Scott Elementary School prior to the saints of the Oregonian and PPS Central deeming that man too racist to be honored as namesake.

What was covered - PPS is being sued by the parents of the 4th grader who was raped.

What wasn't really covered - the principal, vice principal, the lead counselor at Scot School and the head of the SUN program (under whose watch the girl was raped) ALL knew, but chose not to follow state Mandatory Reporting law and report the alleged felonious assault to proper legal authorities. Which begs the question - that our local media didn't ask or certainly didn't dig into - why the hell didn't EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE MANDATORY REPORTERS report 4 boys raping a 4th grade little girl? Answer: The 4 boys that allegedly perpetrated the rape are all black.


The principal was removed from his position. He was the sacrificial lamb - largely because he was an extremely incompetent affirmative action hire (a gay Latino man) who was going to be moved at the end of the year to PPS Central to continue to suck up taxpayer money with some bureaucratic duties.

Very few qualified administrators applied for the newly opened Principal job at the former Title 1 school - tis not the place good teachers/admin want to spend their careers. Eventually, the vice principal, who was anointed interim principal after the principal was moved, was hired as principal for this next year. One might even wonder if she was elevated to the position because performed her klannish duties of NOT reporting the rape. One might further advance this notion if one knew that this same vice principal could be heard at staff meetings berating teachers as racists for "disproportionately" sending black kids to the office on "referral" (for acting out violently against other students or teachers and destroying the safe space learning environment).

The head counselor is still employed at the school.

The head of the SUN program at Scot school is still in his position (he is a gay Latino man).

Dimes to donuts this litigation gets settled - no way PPS Central Casting wants the heinous reality of what went down on public record.

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I’m had not heard of this. Here an article:


A family of a Portland Public Schools (PPS) student is suing the district, Oregon nonprofit Latino Network, and Multnomah County over failing to protect her from being sexually assaulted at age 9 by four fellow male students.

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Don’t worry Kafoury and her new identity hire boss will fix this right up. LOL.

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